School Council
At Horndale Infants and Nursery School we value the opinions of our pupils. The School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with the Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Copeland.
A new school council is elected each year from the Year 2 children. They meet regularly with the Deputy Headteacher to discuss topics of interest.
The School Council has previously…
- Helped to organise Children in Need fundraising events, delivering amusing and entertaining assemblies to the school.
- Designing Red Nose Day information newsletters to be sent home.
- Raised money for the school at school fayres by planning, organising and delivering cake and biscuit sales, chocolate bar tombola’s and penalty shootout prizes.
- Worked closely with the English co-ordinator to raise money to buy new books for the school and helping to organise the Book Fair.
- Supporting initiatives around school, such as planting Spring flowers to enhance the school entrance.
The Year 2 children make rosettes to wear for the election campaign and design a poster of themselves to display in the hall.
Those who wished to enter the election write their own manifesto and in groups, deliver these to all children and staff in school, letting them know as to why the children should vote for them!
The school vote in a secret ballot and the winners announced in assembly.
Here are our very proud School Council for the 2024/25 Academic Year. Well done everyone!
School Council Members 2024-2025